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Rosângela Rennó BredaPhoto


RRENNO photo Gabriela Massote 300

Mutatis Mutandis, Rosângela Rennó

Fri 13 Sep – Sun 3 Nov

Upon entering the Grote Kerk Breda, you see an extraordinary spectacle. The floor is covered with a red-orange carpet that affects your senses; light takes on colour and sound is muted. Here and there, some tombstones which the artist has chosen to leave out stand out. In co-production with BredaPhoto, we will present a site-specific solo exhibition by Rosângela Rennó from 13 September to 3 November. 

The installation Resistance of Breda of Las Lápidas (2024) is at the centre of the solo exhibition. Engaging with the church's monumental interior, Rennó draws attention to the little-known, interconnected history of Brazil and the Netherlands in a series of multimedia installations which include image archives, photography, video and text.

An interactive tour with detailed information about the art works is available for this exhibition. You can follow this tour, without having to download an app, after scanning a QR code on your phone. You can read the tour or listen to AI-generated voices.

The exhibition is only accessible without shoes. Shoe covers are available on request.


During the BredaPhoto Festival up and until 3 Nov, the Grote Kerk Breda is accessible on the showing of a valid BredaPhoto ticket.

  • Tue – Sun 10am–5am

Adjusted opening hours

  • Sun 6 Oct Closed

Encounters | Encontros

Resistance of Breda or Las Lápidas (2024) and Living Things (2024), Rosângela Rennó.

Encounters by Rosangela Renno Breda Photox Grote Kerk Breda foto Ron Magielse 032
Encounters by Rosangela Renno Breda Photox Grote Kerk Breda foto Ron Magielse 037

Universal Archive Project (1992- 2024)

Over the past four decades, Rosângela Rennó has been collecting fragments of text from newspapers and magazines referencing photographs. All these fragments together form her Universal Archive Project (1992 - 2024), which can be seen scattered throughout the Grote Kerk Breda. Selected especially for the church, the texts touch on ‘universal’ themes that resonate with the monument. At times prosaic, other times uncanny, even shocking, the instances chosen for Grote Kerk Breda resonate with a number of ‘universal’ themes including: power and vanity, by relation to royalty, the church and the state; death; miracles and apparitions; ghosts and haunting, bringing forth associations to Indigenous resistance, colonialism and political violence. Engraved in white wood, the texts appeal to the reader's imagination.

RRENNO photo Gabriela Massote 300

Rosângela Rennó

Rennó is a celebrated artist with a career spanning more than 40 years of work. Rennó works with photographic archives and questions notions of memory, history and identity in her installations. Her works are housed in collections at MOMA in New York and Tate Modern in London, among others. Last summer, Rosângela received the prestigious Women in Motion award at the photo festival Les Rencontres d'Arles in France. 

BredaPhoto and the Grote Kerk Breda are delighted and proud to collaborate with the artist on this exhibition.


There are three types of tickets available for the BredaPhoto Festival: a day ticket, a two-day ticket, and a Passe-Partout. Day tickets are valid on the day of your choice. If you can’t visit all the locations in one day or want to extend your stay in Breda, choose a two-day ticket. Would you like to enjoy the BredaPhoto Festival at your convenience over a span of seven weeks? Choose a Passe-Partout.

  • Teens under 18 – free admission
  • Breda citycard (BredaPas)* – free admission
    * Discount card required on location.
Journeys 1

BredaPhoto Festival: Journeys

From old industrial buildings and churches, to the rugged area 't Zoet: From 13 September, BredaPhoto transforms the city of Breda into a huge platform for photography and video art. For more than seven weeks, top international photographers, side by side with young talents, will present their vision on the theme of Journeys. 

The journey is a metaphor for developments in life that can turn everything upside down. Journeys brings together more than 50 photographers and artists whose stories aim to inspire visitors; to reflect and perhaps also to share their own story or take a new path.

Discover Breda

Before or after your visit to the Grote Kerk Breda, be amazed by everything else the city has to offer and feel at home in the welcoming Breda. More info, including information on where to stay, can be found here.