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Huis van Verhalen Grote Kerk Breda Foto Bram Vreugdenhil 7

This church is an iconic building. But there is more. With an extensive programme, we connect the stories of today with those of the centuries-old church. The Grote Kerk Breda is a dynamic venue for art, culture and encounters.

Here, you will find an overview of activities, performances and exhibitions that will soon take place in the Grote Kerk Breda.


Check out our calendar for a list of current exhibitions, performances and events.

Tranen van Breda (Tears of Breda)

Tranen van Breda (Tears of Breda) is the title of the memorial artwork that artists Margit Lukács & Persijn Broersen are designing for the Grote Kerk Breda.  It is inspired by the mesmerising organic patterns of magnified tears. Each tear is unique and tells a personal story. When you magnify tears, they all have their own structure. For instance, a tear of sadness looks different from a tear of joy. These patterns of tears form the basis for the new memorial artwork in the Grote Kerk Breda.