Business donations

As an organisation, you can support the Grote Kerk Breda in various ways. By doing so, your company becomes part of this icon in the city.
Supporting the church is also advantageous. Due to the church's cultural ANBI status, a business donation is 125% or 150% tax deductible. Companies can deduct donations from their profits with no threshold. For companies paying income tax, the business donation is 125% deductible and for companies paying corporate tax it is even 150%. Click here to find out more on the information page of the central government.
It is impossible to imagine the city without the Grote Kerk Breda. Many Breda residents only feel at home when they see the church tower. This place tells the stories of Breda and of the Netherlands – from the past, present and future. We link the restoration and preservation of the national monument to contemporary programming. Impact, quality, inclusion, innovation and sustainable enterprise are central issues in everything we do. In conjunction with your organisation and thanks to your support, the Stichting Grote of Onze Lieve Vrouwekerk te Breda aims to create a sustainable future for the city and the Grote Kerk Breda. You are indispensable to us, especially in these times.

Foto: Rob van Esch
Friends and businesses with a passion for the Grote Kerk Breda network at the Guild.
From €250 per year

Hemelgat Grote Kerk Breda. Foto: Aad Hoogendoorn
Society of the Grote Kerk Breda
A wonderful gesture to the city and the church by companies and Breda residents.
€1,750 per year

Support the restoration plan
You can link your company or brand name to specific elements of the restoration plan.
One-off donation
They already support us:

Vivian Pols. Foto: Edwin Wiekens
Vivian Pols – Ricoh Document Center
'I am a Friend and the Ricoh Document Center is a Guild Member of the Grote Kerk Breda because I want to make a personal and business contribution to the figurehead of our city and also because I feel involved as a resident in the continued existence of the church.'